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COVID-19 Resources for NAFCD Members

The circumstances surrounding the coronavirus are continuing to develop each day, and with the rapid-fire nature of the modern media, you may be unsure of the next steps you should take. The health and safety of our members is a priority for NAFCD.

Please use the following resources from our partners to help you understand and prepare:


NAFCD Virtual Town Hall Recording

The NAFCD Virtual Town Hall took place on Wednesday, May 20. Check out the recording below as NAFCD’s President, Dunn Rasbury, and President-Elect, Shane Richmond facilitate an open discussion around COVID-19 and its effect on our member companies and our distribution channel. This is an opportunity to learn how member companies are responding, adjusting and generally provide one another support.


Impact Research 

COVID-19 Impact & Implementation Survey (Part I) - March 18, 2020

Industry Insights


COVID-19 Impact & Implementation Survey (Part II) - April 9, 2020

Industry Insights


COVID-19 Impact & Implementation Survey (Part III) - May 7, 2020

Industry Insights



MDM-Baird Distribution Survey: 5 Trends Emerging from the Industry Response to COVID-19 - April 24, 2020

Distributors and manufacturers prep to ride out coronavirus downturn



Government Relations 

Latest on Paycheck Protection Program - October 16, 2020


Latest on Economic Recovery and Re-Opening the Workplace - October 2, 2020

As the Coronavirus Pandemic continues to impact the United States economy and businesses across the nation, it can be hard to decipher how new regulations and laws may impact your business.  To help you manage these issues NAW is providing information about reports, webinars and seminars that you may find useful:


From the Department of Labor:

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has published additional  frequently asked questions and answers (FAQs) regarding the need to report employees’ in-patient hospitalizations and fatalities resulting from work-related cases of the coronavirus.


OSHA’s new FAQs provide information to help employers apply the agency’s existing injury and illness recording and reporting requirements to the coronavirus.  In particular, the FAQs provide guidance on how to calculate reporting deadlines for in-patient hospitalizations and fatalities and clarify the meaning of the term “incident” as it relates to work-related coronavirus in-patient hospitalizations and fatalities.  To read the latest FAQs, click HERE


Employee Payroll Tax Deferral Executive Order - August 31, 2020


OSHA's Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs - Update August 27, 2020

This document includes listings of COVID-19 resources on workplace safety and health and related topics. 


FMCSA Extend Hours of Services Rules - July 14, 2020


Latest on the Paycheck Protection Program - July 6, 2020


Latest on Economic Recovery and Re-Opening the Workplace - July 6, 2020


Latest on the Main Street Lending Program - June 11, 2020


Latest on the Paycheck Protection Program - June 11, 2020


Latest on the Main Street Lending Program - June 9, 2020


Latest on Economic Recovery and Re-opening the Workplace - June 8, 2020 


Latest on Re-Opening the Economy - June 4, 2020


Latest on the Fed's Lending Programs - June 3, 2020


Resources for Employers - May 18, 2020


Paycheck Protection Program Loans - FAQs- April 29, 2020

Please note the following IRS guidance on PPP loans which clarifies that no deduction is allowed under the Internal Revenue Code for an expense that is otherwise deductible if the payment of the expense results in forgiveness of the PPP loan. The IRS also issued an updated FAQ on the Paycheck Protection Program.


Latest on the Paycheck Protection Program - April 30, 2020


Latest on Employee Retention Tax Credit - April 30, 2020


NAW Update: U.S. Department of Labor Issues COVID-19 Relief and Guidance for Employee Benifit Plans - April 29, 2020


NAW Update: Bloomberg Law Gives Insight on How to Minimize Risk While Conducting Temperature Screening - April 29, 2020


Latest on Re-Opening the Economy - April 24, 2020


NAW Update:  U.S. Department of Labor Ends Temporary Non-Enforcement of Paid Leave Protections to Help American Workers During Coronavirus Pandemic – April 20, 2020


Opening the Doors: Return-to-Workplace Considerations During COVID-19 - April 21, 2020


Alert: U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) - April 17, 2020


IRS Issues Instructions for Tapping Business Tax Breaks Via Fax - April 17, 2020


NAW Update on Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Emergency Declaration - April 14, 2020


Federal Reserve Announces Launch of the "Main Street Lending Program" - April 10, 2020


Update on Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) - April 10, 2020


NAW Update: New Guidance on Paycheck Protection Program Loans - April 7, 2020

Last evening the Treasury Department released a new Frequently Asked Questions on the Paycheck Protection Program. This is a very useful document and either addresses or resolves a number of questions or concerns businesses had with the program.


NAW Update on Small Business Paycheck Protection Program – April 4, 2020

PPP is a loan program for employers with fewer than 500 employees.  The loans can be provided by any SBA-approved lender and are forgivable to the borrower to the extent that the company retains payroll.  The maximum loan is 2.5-times the employers’ average salary, up to a maximum of $10 million, for a term not to exceed 10 years.  


NAW Update: DOL Issues New Guidance on Paid Sick Leave and Expanded Family and Medical Leave Implementation – April 3, 2020

The U.S. Department of Labor announced more guidance to provide information to employees and employers about how each will be able to take advantage of the protections and relief offered by the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA).


Treasury and IRS Release Guidance to Help Small and Midsize Businesses Navigate Paid Sick and Family Leave Tax Credits - April 2, 2020

The U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service are offering small and mid-size employers more information on refundable tax credits that reimburse them, dollar-for-dollar, for the cost of providing their employees paid sick and family leave wages related to COVID-19.

CARES Act - InfoGraphic - March 31, 2020

The CARES Act tasks the Small Business Administration with overseeing the distribution of millions of dollars in loans and grants to help small businesses survive the pandemic. It also provides additional funding for SBA’s Resource Partners to provide advice and training to help small businesses respond to the unprecedented challenges in communities throughout the country.

NAW Update: Business Tax Relief - March 31, 2020

Business Tax Relief under the CARES Act:  The IRS has posted useful information on its website about the various tax components of the CARES Act ( and the Senate Finance Committee has released a helpful FAQ document specifically on the Employee Retention Tax Credit: Click Here for more information. 

NAW Update: SBA Loans - March 31, 2020

The Small Business Administration and Department of Treasury have just released a joint statement that they “have initiated a robust mobilization effort of banks and other lending institutions to provide small businesses with the capital they need.”

NAW Update: Implementation of the CARES Act - March 30, 2020

Now that the CARES Act has been signed into law, our focus has turned to implementation of the law and, for our purposes, access to the business-focused provisions.  There are four sections of the law that are most relevant:  (1) the small business loan and grant programs, (2) Economic Stabilization Act (the “sustainability” fund) to provide access to loans to companies with more than 500 employees, (3) the business tax provisions, and (4) the family medical and sick leave mandates.  

NAW Update: Guidance on Paid Sick Leave and Expanded Family and Medical Leave Under FFCRA - March 30, 2020

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) announced more guidance to provide information to workers and employers about how each will be able to take advantage of the protections and relief offered by the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) when it takes effect on April 1, 2020.

Update: Memorandum on Identification of Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers During COVID-19 Response - March 30, 2020

This updated guidance reaffirms that wholesaler-distributor personnel as essential by continuing to list:  Employees of firms providing services that enable logistics operations, including cooling, storing, packaging, and distributing products for wholesale or retail sale or use.”

COVID-19 Relief Bill Summary - March 27, 2020

The CARES Act passed late last night by the U.S. Senate creates a $2 trillion relief package that will help shore up the U.S. economy in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The bill builds upon the Families First Coronavirus Response Act passed recently and contains a number measures aimed at helping a wide range of sectors, especially smaller businesses and unemployed individuals.


NAW Sends Letter to Vice President Pence Encouraging the Use of Established Supply Chains - March 26, 2020

This week, we started hearing reports from some of our members that the Federal Government has begun bypassing established distribution channels in their attempt to secure needed supplies.

In response, NAW sent a letter to Vice President Pence, who is leading the White House COVID-19 Task Force, urging his team that during this critical time the Federal Government must rely on the efficiencies of those who best know distribution to expedite and assure delivery of critical product.

Click here to read our letter.

DOL Publishes Guidance Explaining Paid Sick Leave And Expanded Family and Medical Leave - March 26, 2020

Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) announced its first round of published guidance to provide information to employees and employers about how each will be able to take advantage of the protections and relief offered by the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) when it takes effect on April 1, 2020.

The guidance – provided in a Fact Sheet for Employees, a Fact Sheet for Employers and a Questions and Answers document – addresses critical questions, such as how an employer must count the number of their employees to determine coverage; how small businesses can obtain an exemption; how to count hours for part-time employees; and how to calculate the wages employees are entitled to under this law.

WHD provides additional information on common issues employers and employees face when responding to COVID-19, and its effects on wages and hours worked under the Fair Labor Standards Act and job-protected leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act at:

For more information about the laws enforced by the WHD, call 866-4US-WAGE, or visit:

National Governors Association’s State/Territorial Resource Pages - March 26, 2020

The National Governors Association has compiled a repository of the most current state actions on COVID-19.

You can access these resources here.

Additional Guidance on Paid Sick Leave and Expanded Family and Medical Leave - March 26, 2020

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) announced more guidance to provide information to workers and employers about how each will be able to take advantage of the protections and relief offered by the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) when it takes effect on April 1, 2020.

NAW Update: Paid Sick Leave Provisions for Employers - March 23, 2020

As previously reported, on March 18 the Senate passed the “Families First Corona Virus Response Act” which has been signed into law by President Trump.  

NAW plays a major role in a robust employee benefits coalition of major trade associations. One member of the coalition created a checklist to help employers navigate this complex legislation. Click here to view this checklist.

NAW Update: Documentation for Essential Business/Workers - March 23, 2020

NAW has shared a template letter for you to provide to your drivers and employees that they can use to get to work and conduct work as employees of the critical infrastructure. It is important to note that these critical truck drivers and workers should have a hard copy of this document with them at all times when working. Please be aware that this letter is self-certifying and not an official federal document. You should review any document that you provide to your employees with your own counsel.

NAW Update: Essentials Goods/Services Guidelines - March 20, 2020

NAW has been involved in urging the administration to prepare and announce Federal guidelines defining what are essential goods and services, in order to provide consistency rather than having businesses respond to hundreds of varying state and local guidelines. Yesterday the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) published those needed guidelines. Currently included in the guidelines: Workers who support the manufacture and distribution of forest products, including, but not limited to timber, paper and other wood products. Questions on this matter should be sent to

CISA Guidance on Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers - March 19, 2020

The Department of Homeland Security has released guidance to state and local officials on determining “essential critical infrastructure workers.” This will impact who should continue to work and what types of businesses should stay open when governments during the pandemic.


Human Resources

Content from Affinity Group HR:


Webinar: Workplace Response: COVID-19 How to Pan - March 18, 2020

Webinar: Families First Corona Virus Response Act - What You Need to Know - March 25, 2020

Webinar: Employer COVID-19 Response - An Overview of the CARES Act- April 1, 2020

Webinar: Workplace Response - Dealing with Actual COVID-19 Cases at Work - April 8, 2020

Webinar: COVID-19 and Return to Work Issues - April 29, 2020

Webinar: COVID Update - What Employers Need to Know This Week



Video:COVID-19 How to Plan - Your Questions Answered - March 12, 2020

Video: Time To Work From Home – March 30, 2020

Video: Things to Consider If Contemplating Layoffs – March 30, 2020

Video: Critical Federal Resources for Keeping Up with Coronavirus - March 30,2020


Workplace Response: COVID-19 How to Plan - March 12, 2020

Families First Coronavirus Response Act - March 18, 2020

DOL: Employee Rights: Paid Sick Leave and Expanded Family and Medical Leave Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act  - March 27, 2020

Coronavirus Aid, Relief & Economic Security (CARES) Act - Analysis- March 27, 2020 

Employee Rights: Paid Sick Leave and Expanded Family and Medical Leave Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act – April 1, 2020

Emergency Paid Leave Request Form - April 7, 2020

COVID-19: What Should Employers Consider as they Draft a Return to Work Policy? - May 7, 2020


Return to Work Policy Template - May 20, 2020

Affinity HR Group, Inc. 

PDF Version    Word Doc Version


Preparing for Workplace Re-Entry During COVID-19 - A Checklist - May 20, 2020

Affinity HR Group, Inc. 

Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act - June 4, 2020


Economic Impact 

US Unemployment Report 

Cleveland Research Company 


Webinar Recording: Distribution Industry: Navigating the Crisis - April 16, 2020

Provided by ITR Economics.

Fear and uncertainty are seemingly everywhere, along with an incredible projection regarding infections and deaths. We will look into that, and past the noise, and determine the most likely outcome for NAW members.


Quarterly Economic Advisor

Provided by ITR Economics. Highlights from Volume 1 include:

  • Impact of COVID-19 on the economy, financial markets and general sentiments
  • 2021 will be a period of recovery and rise
  • The stock market declined sharply in response to the spread of COVID-19 and the Saudi Arabia-Russia oil price war
  • Normal business cycle activity and the leading indicators were suggesting that US Industrial Production would be rising in the second half of 2020.

Spring 2020 Quarterly Flooring Trend Report

The Q1 2020 edition of the NAFCD Quarterly U.S. Flooring Trends Report, developed in partnership with Market Insights, LLC, is now available to all NAFCD members. The report provides a narrative of U.S. economic forecasts along with flooring market data and an analysis of the current competitive environment.

The NAFCD Canadian Flooring Trends Report is also available.

What’s the Impact on End Markets?

Provided by Cleveland Research Company. With the COVID-19 headlines evolving across the US economy, we want to share with you the insights our research partner, Cleveland Research, is gathering broadly across end markets. This report highlights real-time updates (from the last 1-5 days) across a large number of consumer, industrial, healthcare, transportation and hospitality end-markets.


COVID-19 – Reviewing the Economic Impact in China (Slowdown & Recovery) and Its Potential Implications for the U.S. Economy

Provided by Cleveland Research Company.

Five Ways to Prepare for the Next Rising Trend

Alex Chausovsky, ITR Economics.

Time to Act?

Connor Lokar, ITR Economics.

Financial Management 

Webinar: Getting to the Financial Light at the End of the Tunnel - April 22, 2020

In this webinar, Dr. Albert D. Bates provides guidance for using some key financial tools to measure the options that distributors have available in the midst of COVID-19.


Free Cash Flow Modeling Spreadsheet for Distributors- April 2, 2020

Indian River Consulting Group has released a free downloadable cash-flow modeling spreadsheet. The tool has been put together as a resource for distributors who have not developed the projection tools that will allow them to act early as events unfold related to the current COVID-19 global health crisis.

Sales & Marketing

Webinar: After the Crisis: What Distributors Should Do Next - May 5, 2020

Featuring Ian Heller and Jonathan Bein from Distribution Strategy Group


Video: How to Coach, Lead and Motivate Your Sales Team Through Today's Virus-Impacted World... So You Can Sell Even More - April 10 2020

Jim Pancero


Access the Webinar


Access the Work Book 


Video: Is it time to get some work done again? - March 31, 2020

Jim Pancero


Video: When are you going to start planning for your markets to recover? - March 31, 2020

Jim Pancero


Video: Has your personal energy suffered during these virus-impacted times? - March 31, 2020

Jim Pancero


VIDEO: Growing Sales, with a Drink, During an Epidemic with Alex Goldfayn - Episode 1 - March 31, 2020



PODCAST: How Building Materials Companies Can Navigate Change During the Crisis - March 27, 2020

The Smarter Building Materials Marketing podcast helps industry professionals find better ways to grow leads, sales and outperform the competition. It’s designed to give insight on how to create a results-driven digital marketing strategy for companies of any size.

7 Things Distributors Can Do Right Now with Digital to Combat the Impact of COVID-19

This article is geared toward what distributors can do right now to continue serving customers and keep productive using digital tools. Read on for The Dean’s List of seven things distributors can do right now using digital tools to help flatten the curve and combat the impact of COVID-19 on their teams and their businesses.

6 Steps Marketers Need to Take to Protect Business During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Distributors are facing unprecedented uncertainty due to the impacts of the global COVID19 outbreak. While many safety and janitorial supplies wholesalers are seeing some of their biggest months ever, most distributors aren’t sure what’s coming in the next couple days, much less the next few months.

Despite this, marketers in distribution companies can and should take steps now to protect their core business and strengthen their armor as we make our way through this global health crisis and probable economic downturn.

Adjusting Your Marketing Strategy During a Crisis

Provided by Marqet Group. Is your company ready to adjust your sales and marketing strategy during this unpredictable time? What are some of the best strategies to bring forward to combat some of the challenges? Do you need advice on how to best keep your business moving in the right direction while adjusting your total spend and your team's efforts? This webinar covers the best strategies your business should implement to minimize the effect of the downturn and set the foundation for growth thereafter. Hosted by Lorenzo Marquez, president of Marqet Group and former NKBA Chairman.

Selling to Fearful Customers

Many customers have all but shut down. Most are afraid. A great majority are not taking meetings. How do we sell into this situation?

  • How salespeople can frame this situation properly to understand the fear customers are feeling, and how to help them with it
  • Where there is opportunity for sales growth
  • Where to find the optimism, confidence and boldness necessary for succeeding in sales during an epidemic

Selling Boldly HAPPY Hour Webinar With Alex Goldfayn - March 27, 2020

A 60-minute discussion of your major issues with regards to selling in our current environment. Come together with your fellow salespeople, managers and executives for a dose of selling optimism, positivity and confidence.


Leading During the Coronavirus Pandemic- Video Series Parts 1-4 - April 6, 2020

Dirk Beveridge with UnleashWD, a design, innovation and strategy firm with a focus on distributors, has assembled a collection of timely and relevant information from its network of subject matter experts to address leading during the coronavirus pandemic. 

Digital Etiquette 101 - March 31, 2020

David Nour

These tips are fundamentally about becoming more intentional, coaching others to elevate their digital relationships , demonstrating respect for and gratitude in others, and advancing the collective digital experience.


How Americans Want Business to Behave in Dealing with the COVID-19 Crisis - March 31, 2020

A recent survey by the Glover Park Group’s Research and Insights Practice has found that the American public expects companies to change from “business as usual” and will be judging brands based on “who does what is right for the nation, even if that involves taking a hit to their bottom line.” Additionally, the American public is paying close attention to how businesses react to paid leave and worker pay as the country continues to confront this crisis. 

Click here to view the report.


Transportation & Freights

Transportation & Freight

Provided by Cleveland Research Company. Download the report for key insights and best practices for 2020 as COVID-19 impact grows.

CORONAVIRUS – Analyzing the Global Outbreak and Expected Impact on Transportation & Freight

Provided by Cleveland Research Company. Daily new cases are increasing outside of China, with South Korea, Europe, and Japan (along with the slower relative testing & restrictions in the US) the greatest near-term concerns. The spread to over 70 countries is negatively impacting 1H GDP growth outlooks, with responses in some regions likely limited to unconventional monetary policies.


Construction Activity 

Webinar: Revealing What-If Scenarios of COVID-19's impact on Building Products Demand and Residential Construction Activity - April 30, 2020



Webinar Recording: COVID-19 Impact on Residential Construction - April 24, 2020



Webinar Recording: COVID-19 and the DIYers' Response - April 23, 2020

COVID-19 is changing how DIYers are responding to their home improvement projects. Trends are showing an uptick on moving projects forward, but will the upward trend last?


Home-builder Update - April 22, 2020


Coronavirus Impact on the Home Construction Industry - April 1, 2020

Kitchen & Bath Business


State by State Risk Level and Home Center Exposure to Shelter-in-Place – April 1, 2020

We aggregated 8 factors to evaluate the potential risk that each state faces over the coming weeks. The risk index includes current confirmed cases, demographic and geographic metrics.

COVID-19  Real-time feedback- What We Are Hearing Across All Sectors Covered by Cleveland Research – April 1, 2020

The following is a compilation of research insights across 58 sectors/end markets of the economy that are covered by Cleveland Research.

Special COVID-19 Bulletin #3: Principia's Scenario Analysis Impact on New Construction Activity - Updated April 13, 2020

Principia Consulting is continuing COVID-19 coverage to track and calibrate the impact of the coronavirus on residential construction and building products demand. This update provides scenario analysis allowing custom exploration of the potential impact the virus and related closures will have on new construction activity.

Coronavirus Construction & Building Material Supplier Limits: State-by-State Tracker- April 1, 2020

To ensure the safety and prosperity of their communities, governors and other authorities are allowing “essential” businesses to stay open. This dashboard tracks how states with a stay-at-home mandate classify Construction and Building Material Suppliers. Please check back frequently; we will provide additional details and resources as they become available.


Special COVID-19 Bulletin #2: Impact on Building Product Demand - Updated April 13, 2020

Principia Consulting is continuing COVID-19 coverage to track and calibrate the impact of the coronavirus on residential construction and building products demand. This update provides interactive views of the rapidly changing data on confirmed cases by state and how it relates to demand for building materials.


6 Ways the Coronavirus Outbreak Will Affect Construction- March 13, 2020

Experts predict COVID-19 will have long-term ramifications for many aspects of the U.S. construction industry.


Special COVID-19 Bulletin #1: Impact on Residential Construction Activity - Updated April 13, 2020

Principia Consulting has initiated COVID-19 coverage to track and calibrate the impact of the coronavirus on residential construction down to the zip code level. This update provides interactive views of the rapidly changing market for new home construction.

Wood Floor Covering Association

workplaces During the COVID-19 Pandemic


Reopening Safely- A Practical Guide- April 29, 2020


PPP Loans and Affiliate Businesses - April 24, 2020

With Congress passing the "Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act” yesterday, an additional $321 billion will be made available for Payroll Protection Program (PPP) loans for b usinesses with less than 500 employees.


PPP Loans Are Not The Only Loans Available - April 20, 2020

Whether or not a flooring retailer, contractor, or installer was able to secure a Payroll Protection Plan (PPP) loan, they are likely to need additional financial support


Full Explanation of SBA Rules - April 6, 2020

The Small Business Administration (SBA) has drafted rules on the Payroll Protection Program (PPP) loans that were created in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The draft rules take a very strict interpretation of the CARES Act provisions regarding PPP loans and the forgiveness of those loans.


Business Interruption Insurance and Coronavirus

It is recommended that flooring retailers and contractors file a claim for business interruption insurance if they have such coverage. While insurance carriers are likely to dispute coverage of this loss, it important to have the claim on file and not simply accept an initial denial of coverage.

Small Business Emergency Loans

Provided by the World Floor Covering Association. Small businesses are experiencing unprecedented loss of business whether because their business is closed pursuant to a “shelter in place” order, or simply having no customers during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. The U.S. Congress is debating a new emergency financial package that includes a small business loan program. It makes it easier to get the loan, and will forgive repayment if the loan is used to pay employees, mortgages, leases, and utilities.

Members, however, need help now. There may be some short-term relief available. The Small Business Administration (SBA) is working directly with state Governors to provide targeted, low-interest loans to small businesses that have been severely impacted by the Coronavirus. The SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan program provides small businesses with working capital loans of up to $2 million that can provide vital economic support to small businesses to help overcome the temporary loss of revenue they are experiencing. Members can find more information on the SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loans here.

Cash Flow Relief Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act

Provided by the World Floor Covering Association. A significant issue for small businesses is the impact on cash flow of the requirements under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act that was passed earlier in the week to pay sick and family leave. Tax credits to offset the cost of the required paid leave can help only if they are available without delay. Fortunately, they should be immediately available to offset these costs.
On Friday evening, the Treasury Department and the Department of Labor jointly outlined guidance on the new tax credits available to small businesses to cover the costs of the paid sick and family leave requirements under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act that was passed earlier in the week. Both Departments will release the full guidelines next week. To keep members up to date on these developments, a brief summary is provided here.


If you have any questions or need additional support, please contact our partners directly.

National Association of Wholesale Distributors (NAW)

ITR Economics

Affinity HR Group

Cleveland Research

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